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Thanks.... Neem is my next solution, but I have given them a dose of "Pyrethrum 5EC" today (with a dash of nicotine added), will wait a few days and see how the critters like that (or not). :naughtystep:

Anyone used it before?
Thanks.... Neem is my next solution, but I have given them a dose of Pyrethrum 5EC today (with a dash of nicotine added, will wait a few days and see how the critters like that (or not). :naughtystep:

The Pyrethrum should do the trick to kill whatever is there, after a few days then start neeming them, neem doesn't kill bugs it just stops em from munchin on your plants
And the opinion of whats eating them... from the most knowledgeable group is................. ?

View attachment 599546
>>> Frogstah- I gather you're outside? yup, no slime trial, no slugs/snails....two most likely suspects for both eating holes into the leaf and edge munching are earwigs and certain caterpillars -:)finger: to both!).... earwigs will dine-and shine, so look around under debris/cracks/crevasses nearby to see if you can spot them... 'pillars will stay around, but go ninja with cammo' and body positioning, to look like a bit of stem, leaf vein, etc.,... tiny ball-turds on leaves are a tell for them as well,... If you find 'pillars, spray the plant with a spinosad containing product, or something with Bt in it (a bacteria that kills them, safe for all else).. these are not instant kill pesticides, but sicken them quickly, halting feeding.. both are contact/ingested types, so if you spray, cover tops/bottoms of leaves thoroughly,... earwigs are so mobile, they'll be more of a challenge... like thrips, they're ubiquitous and unending in replacement numbers,.. clear the area around the plants of hidey places, and nuke them with something properly nasty,... diatomaceous earth on the soil surface can help, but it's temporary and a PITA,... check them out at night to see if you can spot the fuckers!.. post up at the Infirmary later with results, okay?

>>> Step! :rofl: ...I figure that there is JEM spunk,...enough to knock up half the west coast! Awesome my friend, you might find some stud fees coming your way with that fine product! :hump: :thumbsup:
good morning live stoners
...pyrethrum will work too! :amazon: spinosad, they're neurotoxins, the former derived from chrysanthemums, the latter from an obscure bactrium spp. found at an abandoned rum distillery- (WTH, right? :shrug:)
Hello chums,

how's it hanging ? Are we high ? Could we get higher ? Even higher ? Even on a Monday ?

Thought so......come on someone, fill me in...what have I missed.....can't be arsed to trawl through page after page of LS gossip. Who can give a one sentence summary ?

You can't all be stoned ? Can you ? lol

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