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he makes us flies
yep, been doing that for 30 years! I used to get allowance in my teens by tyin flies and reloading shotgun shells for my dad. I was also the president of the Flyfishers Association here for a couple terms and enjoyed that, but then i turned most of my attention to canna, after my body started to hurt! Still tie flies in the winter. :thumbsup:
So the first point is basically a presentation of "look at how rich I am" and the most lame part of the tour IMO. Wealth doesn't impress me at all. Some of the best people I've ever met have been dirt poor. Some of the worst have been filthy rich. It's the person that gets me. Anyway the passage way leads to a room with an enormous black enamel board meeting room table with executive leather chairs all around and you're told to pic a seat. I sit down and Dave heads to the wall and hits the lights and down comes this projection screen with a pretty much DC infomercial about how many times he's beaten Oprah on the Fortune 500 list and Forbes... etc... I'm the richest mother fecker in the world rah rah rah... I'm surprised he didn't have cheerleaders come in the room! Anyway that lasted about a half hour or so... then we get whisked away into this room that is CLEAR FULL of filing cabinets, etc... looked like a library but just filing cabinets of EVERY SINGLE F*CKING ARTICLE FROM EVERY MAGAZINE, NEWSPAPER, ETC WORLD WIDE FROM THE VERY FIRST ONE ON HIM. He's OBSESSED with himself lol I'll be shocked if this thread doesn't get back to him! Seriously!!

Then after that he takes us to a few different spots in the warehouse. Shows us ALL his props all his shit he's EVER used in shows up to that point. keep in mind this was back in 2005. Everything he ever had on TV or his live shows... all there. Did a few slight of hand REAL MAGIC in your FACE stuff. That is the REAL talent in Magicians. and he showed us a few killer tricks. Even had one where he attempted to cut a dudes head off and the head came alive lol one of his assistants lol that was hysterical.

Now this is where it gets AWESOME. He saves the BEST for LAST. You guys will shit. Have to have a smoke with the Lady then I'll be back for the finale!

they are smart as fuck dude, seriously like even if you stay in the same spot too long they will quit biting no matter if you change baits cause they know it is you throwin it. Little fuggers
Its actually idot proof! Find the salmon and match the bead and you are golden! I can stand in 1 spot for hours and drift over a school of salmon and catch the same trout on several offerings. For me, its a science experiment. My brotard calls me the trout whisperer, but I am nowhere close. I do catch alot of fish, but havent hit the 30 inch mark on the streams to the north. This fall perhaps. came real close a couple times.
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