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You sound like a great dad Trip, hey so if you do your own BHO runs you should "test" your THC% for all of us. If you get 10 grams and get back 2 grams of oil that is 80% you can get a rough estimate of the THC% and post that in your threadz too. I Have stopped by them before I believe
im not sure i follow you on that one. am i testing the flower THC% correct? and my tube is one that holds like an oz... how would i do a small run in that tube? and in reality say i run 10 grams and get back 1.7 that means its 17%? im medicated off the dab of bubba i took from my nectar collector a cpl mins ago
im not sure i follow you on that one. am i testing the flower THC% correct? and my tube is one that holds like an oz... how would i do a small run in that tube? and in reality say i run 10 grams and get back 1.7 that means its 17%? im medicated off the dab of bubba i took from my nectar collector a cpl mins ago

yep you got it, we can only guess as to what the % of the end BHO is, but you can do the same thing with more bud. Just divide the end result by the weight of the flower you put in and it will give you a rough % I too am high off my NC(I just bought a new one whhoooo hooo)
Mossy nice avatar lol jst noticed it there n felt the need 2 change also lmao :-]

Cheers joke with the Bud Warriors..I said they were all being assimilated to LS..:coffee:..we Is Borg.

Who are you wearing..?
i love them!

Well..come on then share you two..don't keep them all to yourselves..:pass:..tell us about them

Doh..I Forgot to say this morning..@ePenguin isn't very well..his hip is giving him trouble..and DaddyP isn't well they were both off to the Docs yesterday.

So it isn't coz he doesn't Love you any more..just not feeling chipper...:smokeout:..we could group smoke and send a healing karma cloud for him..especially if it smells like mackerel...anyone smoking any mackerel..?
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