Hi all you stoners
I wish you all a great Friday, the last night was hard at first germany lost the soccer game against france and after that my small son has bad dreams i only got 4 hours sleep that night . Time to relax the hole day.
I will only go to the garden center buy some soil for the clones and do a walk with the dogs.
cu tobe
Lol I'm petitioning for a like all button...
You poor poor bastards having to ... Cccuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
A. F. N!!!
Hey ho
I got good news today, talked to some friends, and i can get some landrace for my breeding projects.
The strains are from
Morocco (i get them end August )
Jamaica (end December )
Sierra Leone. (November )
Next year i got much to show at my breeding ground.
I also manage a trip to Morocco next year, i can visit the farmers there and can sleep with my family at the farm.
Has anyone noticed the
Mossy rips and jokes are just marinating in awesomeness now... My gawd... I'm gonna have to step my shit up if she keeps killing this...
Boss moss ftw!!!!!
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