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Weak cuppa
Had this donated to the green room
View attachment 597598
wasn't gonna say nothing but it'll be installed before Mitch for ya

Hey!! thats a jet engine.. turbine motor!!! Nobody gets nothing engine retaliated past the Elvis!! :smoking: i wanted to build one out of a Volvo turbo charger using a propane tank!!
well if that dont call for a rep.. yes that calls for a rep!!! :slap:

Been sober from that shit for over 10 years, had to go to prison 3 times to learn it was bad. Annnnnnd if not for KIND BUD I would probably still be on it
oh cool thats what i use.. i have Bio bong with a stainless nail.. I also use a torch.. I need a better nail.. this one sucks!

Dunno what style you're looking for, but if you use a 14mm nail with a dome, the titanium XFLO nail from Purr glass is AWESOME. I went through a lot of glass nails, some ceramic, domed, domeless, and in the end this is just the one that I like. Doesn't add any metallic taste that I could detect unlike a lot of the cheap, adjustable nails I'd tried. This thing has had hundreds of dabs run through it and just keeps working (unlike the cheap glass nails that I broke several of)...

ROFLMFAO!! no shit!!

You know in normal situations I would TOTALLY take credit for being all witty and say that was original material but no. Sadly that is from Mitch Hedburg who is from Austin and is dead now but is probably my favorite Comic of all time
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