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Just a coors but it is ice cold
You tryed the banquet ???
You know what I have found as long as I stay away from mainstream news I feel not so bad. I use to be a news junkie reading a couple of papers a days but always on high red alert. I gave them up. I am not say I stay totally out of touch I just do not bombard my mind with all the violence. It just seems like the same old crazy sad shit everyday so I bypass the news and go right to the CARTOON NETWORK.
No thats not it But he does have Ego! i would to if wrote a cannabis book "best seller" I just dont think he could help the AFN.. maybe potpros sure but I dunno!!
Let AFN staff sort it and we can go from there..

All in due time. Plenty of people that enjoy talking to us that don't require a cover charge. :thumbsup:
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