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Prolly not many remember this album and in fact was before my time as well,,the cover folds into a cigar box and under the cigars is of course the good stuff
Ok in for the night beer cracked how is everyone doing?

Feelin' groovy brother. What are you drinking? Have a New Belgium Rampant Imperial IPA in a frosty mug.
F*cking road pirates!!! Don't you love their math? I always wondered if they count the stems, roots, etc... Hell even if you did that you'd still be WAY OFF! Morons!
UP here in good old well really YOUNG canada they weigh the root balls stock leaf. The leaf would be b grade marijuana tops being A grade marijuana and the rest c grade being the rootball. They weigh her all up and put at 10 dollars a gram so what would have been 5lbs dried is 250 lbs worth when pinched. And one of the only laws based a lot on assumption he has scales so he clearly is a dealer of the DEVILS SALAD hell baggies will get you a trafficking charge
Okay Dhaze-99 test bean - mini bush shot
im out guys, but one last thing,pertaining to the DP discussion this morning( and no thats not dutch passion) anybody remember a song called "the sandwich of love by the mentors...laters yo....
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