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Hey! I'm old........... and I'm only uncouth when someone really deserves a big serving of my!


The old man lives in Florida and he's got a nice huge pusher. He travels around the country and hangs out where the weather's nice. He calls it work camping. He's too cheap to pay for a site so he'll work at the campground for a free stay. He was at The Birches in Maine redoing the septic system for like a 200 site campground.this real cute girl came out of the showers wrapped in a towel and the old man says to her... nice blond hair,... did you think to do a double batch?? She looked at him and said huh? He says you know you gotta do a double batch to make the snatch match.. she got all red faced and started walking away... the old man says you know the carpets gotta match the drapes right..:crying: she turns around and drops her towel....:drool: low and behold a matching set. My step mom about choked him..gotta love old men
Hey! I'm old........... and I'm only uncouth when someone really deserves a big serving of my!


You know the funny thing about age is we go from lying about it to bragging about it, I cant wait to get old so I can do random stuff and honestly not give AF!
I created that thread to draw interest in growing large plants. I want people to look at examples there and say: " WOW! I can do this too!" because even if you don't hit the mark, you will sharpen your grow skills and learn something new. And growing monsters shows you plainly, what works and what doesn't! I'm sure there are those growing with plant limits who'd love to grow just one or 2 big plants and reap enough bud to actually last till the next harvest!

And thank you @derek420colorado for helping generate interest in this!

Hey so I came across this thread from @pop22 and I thought it was super cool it is the One Pound Auto Plant Club and the best I can count there is only 4 members here on AFN that have done this and documented it. I think this is a hell of an achievement and a great tool for those folks concerned with yield from autos, I also REALLY think there should be a badge for this, and not just because I am a member lol, even if I wasn't I would advocate this.

So just throwin it out there to any staff as an idea, Pop is totally behind it and thinks it a great idea as well. Maybe @stepside or @blue could run it by the "ideas committee" aka @Mossy lol
I created that thread to draw interest in growing large plants. I want people to look at examples there and say: " WOW! I can do this too!" because even if you don't hit the mark, you will sharpen your grow skills and learn something new. And growing monsters shows you plainly, what works and what doesn't! I'm sure there are those growing with plant limits who'd love to grow just one or 2 big plants and reap enough bud to actually last till the next harvest!

And thank you @derek420colorado for helping generate interest in this!
I just got a badge created thanks to Mossy, for whoever gets one pound from one autoflower.
There you go @derek420colorado , il be able to start issuing it pretty soon.
Morning everyone!!

I'm sure there are those growing with plant limits who'd love to grow just one or 2 big plants and reap enough bud to actually last till the next harvest!

This is currently what I'm trying to do. I am legally allowed to have 6 plants, but after reading that thread and a few others I am really just trying to grow to LARGE plants (hopefully, LOL) to support my needs. I like it because it allows me to focus more on just two plants...
I just got a badge created thanks to Mossy, for whoever gets one pound from one autoflower.

And it looks like this ^_^

Good Afternoon AFN Stoners..Mossy on the CannaZone for the next hour of easy listening views and reviews from the cannabis world....
..Your World..

Local Weather News..CET Time is 15.34..wheather is overcast and cloudy..looks like a storm coming..cover over your Patio Pot if you live in the Valencia area of know when it Hits it is torrential.

Site News..the techies haven't slept for the last 4 days installing important update and back up the we need incase site ever goes off Air.
Well Done those Techie.. :bravo:

Site is experiencing lumps and bumps..but it is be Patient..and send up a techie karma cloud... :pass:..come on Smoke it Up..

In other news..

Hey so I came across this thread from @pop22 and I thought it was super cool it is the One Pound Auto Plant Club and the best I can count there is only 4 members here on AFN that have done this and documented it. I think this is a hell of an achievement and a great tool for those folks concerned with yield from autos, I also REALLY think there should be a badge for this, and not just because I am a member lol, even if I wasn't I would advocate this.

So just throwin it out there to any staff as an idea, Pop is totally behind it and thinks it a great idea as well. Maybe @stepside or @blue could run it by the "ideas committee" aka @Mossy lol

@derek420colorado ..I'm about to make Your Fantasy come True..:devil:..I have just installed a Super 1lb-er badge..Watch Grim Reefers badge Rank for the new 1lb badge..he is the only one modelling it so far on site..

@Grim Reefer ..come Cat Walk your New Badge..let the members have a kitty..kitty catwalk..:king:
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