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Do led light cause severe damage to the eyes after prolonged exposure?
Cmon man that's a myth I never had a problem
@PlatinumLEDTom , I've been looking at the 300w or 2 of the 150w lights on amazon, and am wondering what your thoughts are on either more lights with less wattage or less lights with more wattage being better?
It really depends on your coverage area. Some people like having less wattage and more lights, because it give them the flexibility to adjust the light to the angle that fits their grow best.
Platinum bush edition let go:cooldance:
It's a simple case of the
Product speaks volumes from my eyes tom steps up like mark McGuire in his juiced prime
Starts smacking dingers:frog:
I can't say the same about stepside... U need an optometrist
Now follow up tommy boy!!!
Which brand of glasses would you recommend?
Cause this is all cookies and cakes to me ...
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