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Hehe - Just taking a sneeky peek! ^_^

I've got the afternoon off today so i'll be dashing in a minute!

The new hairdo came about by complete accident as i was riding shotgun in my friends chevy with thier pet puppy.
Well - the puppy saw a red squirrel playing with his nuts and launched himself from the speeding chevy to help the squirrel play with his nuts!

Being a ninja in a previous life, i instinctively threw my entire body from the speeding chevy with lightning speed and caught said puppy whilst clinging on to the inside door handle with my ninja toes.
Did a quick shimmy to get myself back in the car and couldn't help but notice how my hair completely rocked!!

How we laughed .... until i had to ninja punish the driver for being careless with their puppy!

(true story folks!)

Have a sweet day folks! :D
Amazing... Go for my morning glory and I see this
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