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Here are the questions/reason I gave as to why stepside washed his bud as I know of 3 reasons he might have washed his bud, number ! can almost instantly be ignored as I can't imagine stepside not drying his weed properly but I added it anyway because it is a possible reason to for some to wash/water cure their weed.
As for lil bugs they'll smoke fine but you might hear a little bis of pop ans his as they go up lol any one who has smoked bidis (indian clove cigaretes) will be familiar with the pop hiss sounds as the bugs get burned lol.
Not sure what kinda dirt is on them but probably best try and remove it.
  1. to remove excess chloraphyll from bud that has been dried to fast and is harsh when smoking, the washing process removes the chloraphyll and make for a smother smoke.(not so much a wash but a water cure)
  2. To remove powdery mildew by adding hydrogen peroxide to the water and then rinsing with clean water as seen in the youtube video with George Cervantes.
  3. To make stealth bud which has hardly any odor when smoked, which about i read in an article somewhere.
Step just received a best answer for his answer... Doesn't get any better than that right there
Kick ass day in the stoners gossip!!! keep it rocking growers!!:headbang:



Cheers AFN!!!

Arty, I wash my outdoor buds to get rid of dust and yuck. I grow in my backyard and I mow it. It usually creates alot of dust. And it does help get rid of critters and such. I didn't know about removing excess chlorophyll. I have had occasion to maybe try the water cure for that. I started washing last year when I had a spider mite outbreak. I really think it brings out flavors too.
Sounds good stepside you don't really want contaminants on your weed.
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