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Got your booty prize right here ep! You can even eat it!
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If ye be lookin for sum Big Booty then look no further yar!

Dayum das sum big arsed booty right there ,more than most scuvry dogs can handle.
Arr, Mornin' Stoner mateys!
What be the buzz on this day??

Off to Boston for a meeting today. Not a meeting kind of person, and really not much on the city either. Oh well it's OK on occasion.
Gardens are good, have a great day, check ya later.
Well shipmate , it be no trick.
Two of the crew have already answered it and gotten some rep booty and there is still one up for grabs.
So I ask ye all again "What be the 18th letter of the Alphabet"
Remember you have to answer it in the most piratey way possible!
Shiver me timbers n pass te grog n jamaican, arrrrrr! I got it i say!
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