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Not too terribly sure but this is how I see it.
Yesterday our good mate ePenguin posted he was feeling better and that we should start cracking on him again. I found a gif of some pirate penguins and posted it stating it was eP and his buddies out on the town. Next thing I know eP is sporting a pirate avatar and talking funny.... Go figure, it seems to have caught on I guess.
so we blame you, harhar
I will see if we can get some Pieces of Eight or similar Booty for prizes
Got your booty prize right here ep! You can even eat it!
Good grief.......I suggest we go a bit pirate like this weekend coming.......and you lot jump ship and get right on stuck in there.......(is it just me or does that giraffe above, look creepy !)

Tis only Tuesday, so try and curb your enthusiasm, or we will be a spent force before we even get started !!!! The clue was in the wording......Pirate Weekend ......but I can't fault you for being keen. I am guilty also....changed my avatar too who am I to criticise ......

I will see if we can get some Pieces of Eight or similar Booty for prizes for doing something or other.........eP.
matey you think us scum can word well, quit acting like a penguin or we'll cut off the wench ration, aaaarrr
Decided to quit messing around with the city water and the ppm police and just pulled the trigger on RO system. I researched the web for the last 2 weeks and got a good one for just above 100 USD! Dont be fooled by the heavy price tags on some companies! Comparable brands were 200+ USD without all the lines and fittings. This one not only came with the RO system, but another carbon/RI filter and a TDS pen with a 2 year warranty!! Moral of the story...Do your research! Spend the extra time and it will work out in the end, saving you some $$$!:thumbsup:
Gather round shipmates oi've a piratey question for ye.

When you answer, you need to do it in the most Piratey way possible!

First three shipmates to answer in the correct piratey way gets a slap from Black Beard, do you feel me, me hearties?

Ere be the question - "What be the 18th letter of the alphabet?"

Thems that answer incorrectly , walk the plank!
wha thar alphy bet?
me smells a piratey trick
headin ole davey's way
plank or no
wench in tow to shiver me timber
wha thar alphy bet?
me smells a piratey trick
headin ole davey's way
plank or no
wench in tow to shiver me timber
Well shipmate , it be no trick.
Two of the crew have already answered it and gotten some rep booty and there is still one up for grabs.
So I ask ye all again "What be the 18th letter of the Alphabet"
Remember you have to answer it in the most piratey way possible!
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