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Hey bri

I tried to find the least complicated and most accessible info on mycorrhizae I could.

I hope I am in the right ball park for what you are looking for?

I have included a selection of different site for you perusal.

Have a skim through them and hopefully one will speak to you.

I like the look of the Hydroponic one and the two below it, see what you think.

After you've had a look and if they are not quite what you were looking for , let me know and provide a few more details and I'll have another look for you.

Mycorrhizae is a bit of a pain when researching due to it's inherent sciencyness (I made that word up lol)

I have also included a brief description to what mycorrhizae fungus is, you never know who may read this and it may give just enough background to anyone new to mycorrhizae.

Mycorrhizal Fungi an overview

Mycorrhizal fungi are a remarkable group of organisms that have been benefiting plants for at least 500 million years.

At the dawn of time when plants were just beginning to colonise our planet mycorrhizal fungi were there living in a symbiotic relationship with plants enabling them to extract nutrients and hold onto water in very difficult soil conditions.

In effect, the fungus provides a secondary root system, a system that is considerably more efficient and extensive than the plants own root system.

These fungi are living organisms and will live with the plant, sourcing a continued nutrient supply for its entire lifetime – a truly sustainable plant nutrition solution. In exchange the plant provides carbon and sugars to the fungi. Not unsurprisingly, 90% of all land plants employ this relationship to enhance their own root system’s capacity to deliver nutrients.


h2g2 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition
Plants, Fungi and the Underground Internet -

Teachers Pack about Fungi including Mycorrhyzae -

Mycorrhizal world -

Mycorrhizae in hydroponics - The real dirt on soil -

The living soil -

Biotop -
thanks for the info arty, and sciency should be a word
Here's the "d-fol patrol" on duty!!! The big one is looking at the plant haha she's wanting some fresh picked...just got thru lollipopping the undergrowth and lower larf..followed by a foliar feed and deep watering ..trying a "new" product on the foliar...Peace,
it's bedtime for bonzo (me)
Morning Trail :)

Haha you caught me having a look see whats new after my slumber.

Literally just out of my bed,not even had my morning cup, or even put the kettle on for that matter.:coffee:

Catch you later bro, once I'm a bit more awake.

:pass:sharing one.
Good Morning Stoners!
What's the buzz?!?!
Hey arty, ta!!
Damn ta that's some scenery! Wow as many times as I look at your pictures, wow is all I can think of. I live in North Central Mass and we always think how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful area, but damn, seriously, that is some majestic scenery!!
tobe, RSO man. Good luck with your treatments, sending some anti-C karma your way friend!
Well gotta hit the showers, the week begins!
bude, nice looking set-up, love the "foliage hounds" !
We have any pepper experts here?!
I only have two plants atm, and the pots arent more than like 2-2.5 liters. Thing is ive let them get real comfy in the pots, i should have transplanted them weeks ago.
They are well into bloom, and my question is: can i transplant them into bigger pots without stressing them? I dont want them to drop their fruits!!

Aji de Jardin

Piri-Piri (chinensis)

I usually take a lot more care of them but all this moving around the last couple of weeks has been stressfull.

Sorry for the underline in the end, but it wont let me remove it:cuss:
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