Ah yes.. badges..welllll....the boss lady has been down at the ranch this weekend,the plants needed tending to and if it's possible, grabbing a little rest and relaxation time,even dragons need some time off.
I believe steak and REAL POTATO chips!!!!(fries) cooked in lard, were on the menu, a real treat too,so it sounds like a lil down time is planned, who could deny our favorite dragon this luxury?
You will have you badge, have no fear
Great to hear you have a goodly pile of smokables

that'll help pass the time nicely

I might just join you for a smoke break too

if anyone else is interested we could make this a group smoke out
All this talk about badges reminds me of Mutley from "Stop the Pigeon" & "Wacky Races" he certainly had a ponchon for meddles (think badges)
See what you think