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For a long time I had to carry my hemorrhoids around in a 10 gallon sling. But it was useful for sliding down the ice flows. There is always an upside. And that cool feeling......Bliss......
Is that what my mother meant when she said you're ass will be in a sling??
Gd'day Stoners,
Trail, I watch Gold Rush and they say their trucks burn $500-$1000 a day in diesel. What do y'all pay per gallon up there, gas too?
Real shocker, $10.50 gal. I burn as little as I can. In a comp about conserving resources I'd bet on me.
Good Evening AFN Stoners...:friday:..Happy Friday...

Have you been doing your Friday Worship....?...I don't See much of a smoke cloud in here...especially for a Friday..
I'll have to call a compulsory group smoke out break...:smokeout:..get Sparked up..or you will be visiting my Office...

Finally starting to look like spring here in North Central Mass. Getting ready for the yardwork season. I used to hate yard work, I mean hate it. So much I usually avoided it. Now it's my favorite form of exercise. Load up a bowl of a good sati-dom, load up the DAP with some good tunes, plug in and take off. Raking, shoveling, mowing, tending, it's all good fun when baked and listening to some good tunes!!
Check in later!

wwwillie..fancy visiting my place for a bit of yard work...?..

Vacay day today!
Heading south for a day or two. Looking forward to a good trip.

Enjoy your holiday days..

Edit: PS: Fat Plus Rep Kitty is long overdue for this guy!!

Yeah..I Heard you had a Big Fat is written all over the staff toilets..:coffee:

famous last words:

" We don't need no stinkin' badges"...........

Ha got got the AFN Mentor were Nominated..:bravo:..Well Done..
and..Thanks for all you Do.
LOL! I heard that in some!

Good Evening AFN Stoners...:friday:..Happy Friday...

Have you been doing your Friday Worship....?...I don't See much of a smoke cloud in here...especially for a Friday..
I'll have to call a compulsory group smoke out break...:smokeout:..get Sparked up..or you will be visiting my Office...

wwwillie..fancy visiting my place for a bit of yard work...?..

Enjoy your holiday days..

Yeah..I Heard you had a Big Fat is written all over the staff toilets..:coffee:

Ha got got the AFN Mentor were Nominated..:bravo:..Well Done..
and..Thanks for all you Do.
Happy Friday one and all:friday:
Thanks for the rep last Friday:thumbsup: , my bad not saying thanks before now :naughtystep: i'll be waiting for my reward....... um errr.. i mean punishment don't I ? (or do I?lol) :shrug:being a bad boy can have it good points too:shooty:

Fatty kitty rep, nowt like a psychedelic pussy to brighten up my day.. meow
fat kitty rep.jpg
My Fat kitty Rep brings all the girls to the yard,
And they're like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
I can teach you,
But I have to charge, If you wanna grow dem auto's large.


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