Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Nov-Dec '20

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Yes...but why is no-one discounting/questioning it...?


Amen..... :pass: ....

The reason no one questions it is because those who know differently ie. you and I along with all the other tokers, know it is BS.
This leaves the ones who are rabbidly against it. These people for the most part are the older generation.
They don't smoke or vape weed so they don't care about the lies.
It is in fact easier to accept the lies which then gives them what they imagine to be the "Moral High Ground".
In society people like to be bigger and better than others.
No one want to be the one who the finger gets pointed at!
When we a re young no one thinks about that so much, having a good time and getting laid are always at the top of the agenda.
One people get a career, get married and buy a house they often put such daliencies with drugs behind them.
They have children to worry about, fear of losing their home, fear of being disgraced at work if caught using/taking drugs, which might affect future job prospects.
Then there is the fact that many people marry someone and then try to change them into someone else.
Children are often used as leverage, I know couples who have split up and the Dad has been told "unless you give up weed, you can't see your kids"!
The Daily Mail, Mirror and The Sun readers aren't the most cerrabal of readers, which is not to say they are all thick in the head but a great number of them undoubtedly are. The intelligent readers of these rags, just use the propaganda to further their own causes.
These often right wing "intelligent readers" then use the moronic rhetoric it to whip the sheeple who can't or won't think for themselves.
So cannabis get demonized and blamed for all the woes in the world!
They say it messes up teenagers, the fact is a lot of teenagers are already messed up long before they smoke weed, bullying , abuse (mental, physical, sexual & emotional abuse), lack of opportunities, innercity pressures such as gang culture, identity crisis, split homes and nasty step parents (no, not all step parents are nasty but some are beyond the pale) the list goes on, I'm sure anyone reading this can think of a few more.
Often early experimentation with weed is because the kid is already messed up and is looking for a way the to stop the pain that is already inside.
Often referred to as self medication, however many parents aren't really what we would consider suitable to raise kids.
I'm sure we have all seen people who shouldn't have kids, there aren't enough resources to deal with these problems.
When teenagers get caught smoking weed, these morally corrupt parents suddenly start acting like butter wouldn't melt in their mouth!
They blame the drugs for all the problems in there family and not the abusive way they raised them, which is often the reel root cause for their kids problems.
Then there are the "holier than thou" middle class parents, who bully their kids to do this and that, to get better grades, to earn an instrument and all the other things they see their kids as needing to do, so that they and their kids fit into the right section of society.
It may seem like they are doing their best but bullying is bullying.
Sure some parent are amazing but whether you come from a poor background or a well to do background, there are wrong'uns in both worlds.
I know people who come from a very well to do back ground, who were sexually abused by family members.
These people liked to smoke weed as way of getting away from their pain. When caught smoking it, the abusers just used it as another way to control them!
So you see there are many reasons (there are a whole load I haven't mentioned) why people use weed as an excuse to abuse and control people, Or it is that they have no original thoughts of their own and just use weed as an excuse "that weed is putting their way of living being under threat" from gangs and crime etc.
Some people feel it is easier just to blame something which they don't understand because it is illegal!
Weed will be legalized in the UK, we just need some of the old guard to shuffle of their mortal coils and let the younger generation make a more informed choice.
We all have the internet now, if we want to research it and read medical studies etc from the rest of the world we can, information is now much easier to come by, than in our parents time!
The truth is out there and we will make sure it is shouted from the rooftops, we just need people who are willing to listen, to then take action.
A flower arrangement for the little Chickadee @Mossy :love:
Mossy's bouquet.JPG
An old saying about alcohol: Instant Asshole, just add alcohol! I've never seen that with weed in 50 years, except for the real psychopaths you stumble onto, and they most often have been drinking as well as smoking!

Hello FN, thanks Happy Holidays also :pass:

:nono: same here Mossy:pass: the news makes all these negative claims about Canna, then why is it i never heard of violence at the Nimbin Mardi Grass, but other events there is violence even deaths. Other stories mention cannabis then they will say also had alcohol or some other drug its these that cause the problems, not the canna. Sound a nice strong strain lol or one the media made up lol

Does the U.K. have an organization similar to NORML? Because I truly believe that NORML has been a key element in the changes happening in the USA.

The reason no one questions it is because those who know differently ie. you and I along with all the other tokers, know it is BS.
This leaves the ones who are rabbidly against it. These people for the most part are the older generation.
They don't smoke or vape weed so they don't care about the lies.
It is in fact easier to accept the lies which then gives them what they imagine to be the "Moral High Ground".
In society people like to be bigger and better than others.
No one want to be the one who the finger gets pointed at!
When we a re young no one thinks about that so much, having a good time and getting laid are always at the top of the agenda.
One people get a career, get married and buy a house they often put such daliencies with drugs behind them.
They have children to worry about, fear of losing their home, fear of being disgraced at work if caught using/taking drugs, which might affect future job prospects.
Then there is the fact that many people marry someone and then try to change them into someone else.
Children are often used as leverage, I know couples who have split up and the Dad has been told "unless you give up weed, you can't see your kids"!
The Daily Mail, Mirror and The Sun readers aren't the most cerrabal of readers, which is not to say they are all thick in the head but a great number of them undoubtedly are. The intelligent readers of these rags, just use the propaganda to further their own causes.
These often right wing "intelligent readers" then use the moronic rhetoric it to whip the sheeple who can't or won't think for themselves.
So cannabis get demonized and blamed for all the woes in the world!
They say it messes up teenagers, the fact is a lot of teenagers are already messed up long before they smoke weed, bullying , abuse (mental, physical, sexual & emotional abuse), lack of opportunities, innercity pressures such as gang culture, identity crisis, split homes and nasty step parents (no, not all step parents are nasty but some are beyond the pale) the list goes on, I'm sure anyone reading this can think of a few more.
Often early experimentation with weed is because the kid is already messed up and is looking for a way the to stop the pain that is already inside.
Often referred to as self medication, however many parents aren't really what we would consider suitable to raise kids.
I'm sure we have all seen people who shouldn't have kids, there aren't enough resources to deal with these problems.
When teenagers get caught smoking weed, these morally corrupt parents suddenly start acting like butter wouldn't melt in their mouth!
They blame the drugs for all the problems in there family and not the abusive way they raised them, which is often the reel root cause for their kids problems.
Then there are the "holier than thou" middle class parents, who bully their kids to do this and that, to get better grades, to earn an instrument and all the other things they see their kids as needing to do, so that they and their kids fit into the right section of society.
It may seem like they are doing their best but bullying is bullying.
Sure some parent are amazing but whether you come from a poor background or a well to do background, there are wrong'uns in both worlds.
I know people who come from a very well to do back ground, who were sexually abused by family members.
These people liked to smoke weed as way of getting away from their pain. When caught smoking it, the abusers just used it as another way to control them!
So you see there are many reasons (there are a whole load I haven't mentioned) why people use weed as an excuse to abuse and control people, Or it is that they have no original thoughts of their own and just use weed as an excuse "that weed is putting their way of living being under threat" from gangs and crime etc.
Some people feel it is easier just to blame something which they don't understand because it is illegal!
Weed will be legalized in the UK, we just need some of the old guard to shuffle of their mortal coils and let the younger generation make a more informed choice.
We all have the internet now, if we want to research it and read medical studies etc from the rest of the world we can, information is now much easier to come by, than in our parents time!
The truth is out there and we will make sure it is shouted from the rooftops, we just need people who are willing to listen, to then take action.
Same old song and dance the gov gets on a propaganda platform and the turn around to their gas output takes generations to repair :rofl: Thanks for the rep Arty :pass:
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It is in fact easier to accept the lies which then gives them what they imagine to be the "Moral High Ground".

a certain megalomaniac once said -> "tell a big enough lie, tell it often enough, and people will believe it" ...jus sayin ;) ppp
It is possible we do have politicians who have no idea about cannabis.
However it seems most of them smoked it a university.
Our last prime minister was married to one of the largest shareholders in G.W Pharmaceuticals, who make "Sativex".
G.W Pharmaceuticals is one of the largest cannabis based medicine companies in the world and have a licence to grow cannabis in the UK.
So it is not really the politicians that don't know about cannabis.
A number of our political parties want it legalised.
It is the ignorant masses and our nanny state health service that keep it from being legalised along with the fact that, many of the politicians have shares in G.W Pharma and they want their dividends to keep rolling in.
There are far too many sheep in the UK public, who know not, what they talk about.
They just read the right wing news rags who love to sensationalize drugs and anything else the morons want to shout about.
Legalisation of cannabis will come to the UK it is looking like it will take 10 years.
No one ever thought the USA would see legal states but it has happened.
I don't think it is "just too bad" we have idiot politicians, just show me a country where they don't have idiot politicians.
Legalisation of cannabis comes from the public pushing for it and then voting for it.
Politicians these days are "Career Politicians" as opposed to "Conviction politicians" so all they care about is votes, so they just support whatever they think will get votes.
However due to public pressure we do have "legalized Medical Cannabis" which is how America got the ball rolling.
We have a national health system which is slowing everything down, with a private health sector as America has, there are plenty of Doctors who were willing to give out a medical marijuana card, for the price of the consultation.
Right now though the best model is Canada, where it has been legalized country wide.
The Canadians are also a good role model to the world, polite, hard working folk, low levels of violence etc and they are a member of the the British commonwealth, so let's hope, politicians take note!

On an interesting note, Jamaicans traditionally refer too long sativa colas as "Lamsbread" due to them looking like lambs tails and which needed cutting into portions to sell as often they were to long for a customer to buy a whole one. A carving knife would be used to do this, which is where the "bread" part of the name came from. Lambsbreath is a derivation of that name. I took a lot of time to research this as my old handle was "Lamsbread" without a "b" another derivation you could say.
I heard it called lambsbreath an bread and interesting enough that was in the 1979 I did smoke it allot and got just baked off of it we have a huge Jamaica population In Canada in the Toronto and Greater Toronto area I did not read about it in a book I lived it and smoked it heard it called both names. I never knew why they just did not tell me it was grown in Jamaica LOL I would have still boughten it. We use to get allot of it an Jamaican oil uncut in body bags and honey oil too. On another note Lets hope your rightwing Goverment and the nanny state can learn from our left wing liberals that made this all happen in Canada. If the Conservatives would have got in we would not be where we are today Arty simple as that. And just to let YOU ALL KNOW IF IT WAS NOT FOR HEROS LIKE MY FATHER landing on the beaches at 18 years of age who knows where we would be today. I bet five years or less you will see changes across the pond now that is just a positive hopeful prediction. If the masses want it then there votes should count I hope anyways. PEACE Arty and the best to you
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