Did you see the BBC2 documentary the other day about the Spanish Flu.....?
I did...and it was Scarey seeing us reacting Now almost Exactly how they did then......and IT reacting the same as it seems to be doing now.
The only Difference I saw was that we have the possibility of a vaccine...which was beyond them.
It killed 50 Million... (officially reported deaths)....but they estimate nearer 100 Million World wide.....
Covid is a mewling infant compared to the spanish flu, vaccines or not!
We have been lied to many times with covid, can't trust the government!
In order to make it seem we were hitting the targets for testing , the government just sent out results saying "yes you have tested positive, please self isolate."
However ................................................... There were people who missed the test due to this otr that reason and guess what ................ They too got told they tested positive, even though they hadn't been tested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The lie was exposed and brought to light!
I still thing mask wearing is spreading it more than not wearing a mask.
However no one is doing the science, I am happy to be proved wrong but in order to do that, real science needs to be employed!
I ask questions, so should the government, imagining that something does something is great, if you live your life by your imagination and nothing more!
In order to know if something is effective, it needs to be tested and mask wearing has not been put through any tests in the way the general public use them.
In a hospital environment, hygiene rules are strict and masks are only worn once and disposed of safely.
In the street the general public are wearing them on their chins, putting them in their pockets and then back on and sometimes for days on end!
In this case I think they are a net spreader of disease.
Just because you are seen to wear a mask, doesn't mean it is clean and that those germs & viruses, on your mask aren't transferred to your hands!
In order to protect people we need the best advice possible and we are not given it!