I think there were posts maybe lost in past updates?
Who knows?
@arty zan ....did you read the corona news coming from Switzerland.....?
They want everyone over 60 ....everyone with diabetes...high blood pressure or heart disease to sign Do Not Resusitate orders so if corona peaks out they don't take up hospital beds.........

Fluck Yah.....you know I'm 59 & 3/4's right.....?......3 months to Write Off.......
Human rights, and the court of the same name is our shield!
We have a right to health care, stand by our rights & never let anyone take them from us!
I won't sign a thing!
We in the UK and you in Spain have a national health systems, which we have paid into, fail us now and find out what a class action lawsuit feels like, when we take these governments to court, for acting illegally!
We are the people, we put people in power and we can take them down as well!
I am only 50 but I have diabetes, just let them go up against me, I will make a stink that will stick to them like "super glue poop"!
Wanting and having are two different matters! Wish in one hand & poop in the other hand and see which fills up first!
They can want all they like but I will not give an inch (cm if you like).
I want what I have paid for, If I don't get it, then sue the bastards.
Time for grumpy old people to start making a noise, rah, rah , rah!