My Mama has been on Ozempic for almost a year. It was prescribed for diabetes but she has lost over 60lbs and really wants to get off of it. She said it makes food tasteless and she gets nauseous from it quite often. My stepDad recently started on a much smaller dose also for diabetes and said he cant taste shit, everytime hes craving something it just doesnt hit and he also gets waves of nausea. Mama said shes over it, but has to wait til her next appointment to talk to her doctor. Ive been around for all of it, and ill say, it doesnt look like much fun, Mama was losing so much weight at first that she was feeling weak and dizzy alot of the time. From an outside perspective it looks hard, food is life for me, and if i couldnt get my jollies from food, id be in trouble lol. Mama loves that she lost so much weight, but she said shes ready to get on some sort of maintenance now because shes still losing weight and shes happy where shes at. One great thing is she is no longer considered diabetic! It has its benefits and its negatives like anything, as a medication it has alot of value, as a weightloss tool, i think it sounds miserable! But i dont struggle with body issues so i cant say whats worth it for anybody else. All i say is be careful, get it from a doctor, apparently the generic stuff is not the same and has some seriously bad side effects! I definitely see the benefit of it, but like anything new, just be careful.