Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Ravenberry has a growth structure just like a CDLC I did a few years ago. Definitely can see the genetics in her.

Morning @KingRatt :bighug:...your body clock still set to nightshift..........?.......:pass:

Im still trying to adjust, once i get working again im sure ill settle into a comfortable rhythm. Hows your day going? Wishing the best for you and Hubby!
Hey now,
Probably late to the show, but apparently Mars Hydro was hacked and the database of customers was taken.

You may want to use this tool to check for comprised email addresses and passwords.

I use it a lot for folks in the office, etc.
If you Do get it @Rick Dirte' I need you to document it........ :headbang: ... I've not seen anything that has effect on such a wide range of sickness since cannabis....:pass:

Just don't give it to your other half...... :pighug: ...

Mossy if I do try it I’ll let y’all all know how I do on it. My mom tried it early in 2024 and it messed her stomach up bad and she had to discontinue using. She has had digestive issues in the past. I’m hoping the semaglutide
agrees with me and I can lose some significant weight.
First I have to navigate the the system to see if they’ll pay. My cardiologist has put in a prescription and his APRN has to. Still no ok from insurance. I need to get on the phone and solve this but that kind of shit sucks the life out of me. Lol
I had one that thought he was in charge of me as the first job I had after getting out of the military. I think the most this guy ever supervised was about 15 personnel. That would be one of my small crews.:crying:

He thought he could tell me how I should do my inspections and how long it should take. Well those standards are covered by law and national standards written to code. Only state and National Commission officers can perform said inspections. I had to have the chief inspector, the only one that I technically have to be accountable to, finally had to advise him of said laws. and the procedures I must follow...... And leave me the f*ck alone. I had the lowest cost per inspection of any inspector in the entire state by quite a large margin.

That guy was the absolute epitome of The Peter Principle!

If you Do get it @Rick Dirte' I need you to document it........ :headbang: ... I've not seen anything that has effect on such a wide range of sickness since cannabis....:pass:

Just don't give it to your other half...... :pighug: ...

My Mama has been on Ozempic for almost a year. It was prescribed for diabetes but she has lost over 60lbs and really wants to get off of it. She said it makes food tasteless and she gets nauseous from it quite often. My stepDad recently started on a much smaller dose also for diabetes and said he cant taste shit, everytime hes craving something it just doesnt hit and he also gets waves of nausea. Mama said shes over it, but has to wait til her next appointment to talk to her doctor. Ive been around for all of it, and ill say, it doesnt look like much fun, Mama was losing so much weight at first that she was feeling weak and dizzy alot of the time. From an outside perspective it looks hard, food is life for me, and if i couldnt get my jollies from food, id be in trouble lol. Mama loves that she lost so much weight, but she said shes ready to get on some sort of maintenance now because shes still losing weight and shes happy where shes at. One great thing is she is no longer considered diabetic! It has its benefits and its negatives like anything, as a medication it has alot of value, as a weightloss tool, i think it sounds miserable! But i dont struggle with body issues so i cant say whats worth it for anybody else. All i say is be careful, get it from a doctor, apparently the generic stuff is not the same and has some seriously bad side effects! I definitely see the benefit of it, but like anything new, just be careful.