Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

and apparently, Mark is into tickling :biggrin: :rofl: ppp

. Think about it...............


They are going to sex....I can see the males starting to jostle for position........:woody:.....


Second pot...4 or 5 days after that..........:pass:....

I Almost feel sorry for not having any food for them.........:watering:...Almost..........
Hi @Mossy, happy Friday!!!! Was just jarring up all the outdoor we harvested and i cant wait!!! They are a lil larfy but the frost is plentiful and its aromatic as all heck! Probably about 4 ounces from 4 plants, coulda been alot worse!
Morning @KingRatt :bighug: good....?..........:pighug:
Yeah im up a little late, my Dad was working late so i asked him to call me on his way home. Everything is good! Probably going to be harvesting these Lemon Z gurls in the next few days. I can tell these are going to be good! Your little babes are moving! You making seeds this round? I gotta do that soon! Busy busy busy.
Hi @Mossy, happy Friday!!!! Was just jarring up all the outdoor we harvested and i cant wait!!! They are a lil larfy but the frost is plentiful and its aromatic as all heck! Probably about 4 ounces from 4 plants, coulda been alot worse!

I Think of winter harvest bud as Mother Nature's is not Supposed to every gram is a Bonus....
You making seeds this round?

. Hmmmmmm I'm really torn over what I'm going to do with them.

I never count them in the Plan....coz they are weather dependent...and I never crossed between Mid December to March because if bad weather hits and the plant ain't will abort the seed and you get loads of those white empty pods...which are no good for man nor beast....:shrug:

But I'd love to let the males go full pollen frenzy to see if I can attract the Stoner Bees....I was told that Couldn't it Intrigues me...