Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

I haven't had any luck with Mephisto despite dropping 10+ beans so far. Kind of frustrating with other growers success and all the money I've spent. I have a few more so I decided to dropped a bean to soak. Double Grape X Skywalker freebe. Good luck Chuck

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I have had very excellent results with the rooting pucks I get from Build a Soil.
I hydrate the pucks with Rootwise complete. Kind of squeeze them together to mess up the drilled hole And I push additional material in on top of the hole. Just lay the seed on its side and put a little bit of material on top.
Expand these out maybe you can find some info that can help you!
Soak these

In this

After the soak, kinda squish it together to mess the hole up and prevent the seed from falling down in the hole. I'll take my old dab tool that I don't use to have a hot knife now and pull material over the hole to make sure it's not going to drop down.
Just lay your seed down sideways and put material over the top and just lightly tap down to make the media contact with the seed.
Go ahead and get you a humidity dome. You get to the point where you'll use this more often. Plant all the seeds you're going to use for the run at one time in one place. Using this method, there's no more soaking the seed. They will have enough water for them to germinate properly. You can also use the pucks and the dome for when you start taking clones when you're growing photos. I've had a very high percentage of germination using this method. I I think this last run I had 100%. The one before, I think I had one failure.
This is the humidity dome that I have. It just makes germinating seeds and taking clones so much easier!

I highly suggest you get the Rootwise! I have trifecta of products. The two inoculates and the enzyme. I inoculate my media with the Rootwise before I pot up. When you use the pucks for either seed germination or cloning, you will see big old hairy roots come out and that is the Mycorrhizae acting with the root system and forming their symbiotic relationship.

You might be potting up the media a bit too dry. You want your media to clump up when you take it in your hand and squeeze it. When you squeeze it, there should be no water. Jeremy of BAS likes his just a tiny bit more moist. He likes his so that when you squeeze it really hard, all you see is a tiny drip. I'm just slightly under that.

If you still want to direct plant, pot it up with the correct moisture described above and then add a little water directly where you're going to plant your seed. This will prevent your seed dropping further down in your media when you cover it up and water it in. After you cover it up l lightly press down the media to make sure you have contact.

I hope this helps and rings a bell with what you're doing.

Crazy S1.......middle
RUCU CUCU....... foreground

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Trainwreck popping up................. Oh by the way that's the new Super Trainwreck!
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Asian Haze is struggling a bit. Just a little bit of progress from when I checked late last night. Hopefully she'll come out today!View attachment 1681392

Dutch Passion CBG ForCE should finish unfurling sometime today!
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Trim day here today too. I really need to get a set of screens or something so I don't have to toss this stuff. It's a 2 hour drive round-trip to get dry ice
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Its like 20min round trip for me and that includes time to go into the store and get it! ;) :eyebrows::headbang::rofl:
You youngins might not remember but it's a vhs case. I put the wet paper towel and bean in there and put the case on the heat mat. I like it better than a plastic bag. It took me a while to find one of these cases.
Don't forget Betamax.:haha:
I soak my beans in a shot glass half full of water for 24 hours on a seed mat at 77 degrees covered with aluminum foil. Most of the time the bean has cracked and the tail is barely showing. From there I place them in a wet paper towel inside a tupperware container that is misted. I place that back on the heat mat and cover with a hand towel to keep out the light. After another 12 to 24 hours I have a 1/4" root that has emerged at which time I place them in their final containers. I mist a clear plastic cup and place over the seeds with the grow light on. When they break ground I remove the cups and off to the races they go.