Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

You have a humidifier? They can be had very cheap on amazon. Like under ten bucks for a desktop humidifier.
Yes, I have one attached to the drobe, input air from the drobe, output back into it. Even with this setup, it is still only about 37% at the moment. And, I was wrong about the temperature, it warmed up when I turned the exhaust fan down to try to increase humidity. It has been colder than -20 at night for weeks, and our indoor air is dry, less than 30% most of the time.

No biggie at this point, I just chopped another girl, and the last one will not be far behind. Judging by the pile of bud I am trimming, not much harm has happened to the plants. :pighug:
@JP1 is on it with the engine electrics and brakes being unrelated.

@Son of Hobbes
Do you have one of those voltage meters with the probes? I'd test the alternator, you know the battery is meh, sounds like a loose wire. Check the battery terminal clamps and the grounding straps for corrosion or loose bolts.

Apologies if you already know all this and have checked it out.
Sounds like kinda unrelated problems? Engine isn't gonna just die while running because of a battery, it wouldn't start on the first place. This kinda thing happened to my wife a couple years ago. Turned out that a mouse had chewed up a bunch of wires :pass:
An aquaintance of ours had two cars burn to the ground after packrats built nests on top of the exhaust manifold. The second one almost took the house with it, it was parked only about ten feet from the wooden steps.

Apparently not uncommon according to the insurance peeps.

In another event, I had an engine light come on about four hours in to a one month road trip. It turned out to be the O2 sensor. Which was badly contaminated by stuff that should not have been able to get past the engine filter. Turned out that a squirrel had made a nest in the filter containment, and chewed through the filter to do it. Unfiltered air straining through the nest material was the problem.

Quick blast of air on the sensor, vacuum the filter containment, replace air filter, and we were on our way again.

And one more story on this bent. Years ago, a new road was punched through the coast range to Stewart, BC. When the road had progressed part way, the road crew came back to the project in the morning and every one of their heavy machines was DOA because porcupines had chewed all the hydraulic lines. The problem was eventually solved by parking equipment in the middle of the river.

Rodents and vehicles are a poor mix. :biggrin:
Rats here chew insulation. The rubber in newer cars is soy based, so its like rat licorice.

Th only thing that works here is mothballs in a piece of metal screen.
Rodents and vehicles are a poor mix.

All 3 of our vehicles had electrical problems due to rats eating wires.

We bought a repellent..thought it worked....but it hadn't.

Currently have the cars parked bonnet first into Lavender..... apparently they hate any Strong I pour strong disinfectant around the parking space......:shrug:..... don't know if it works yet.........:headbang:
So it's 7 am and I'm in the middle of the city traffic in Lincoln, NE, population of about 300,000.

I pulled up to a stop light, and my battery light comes on, my engine dies, and I have NO BRAKES. I put the vehicle into park and I'm still moving forward, finally brakes. I said "wow, that was super fucked up, never had that happen before." Go to the next light, same thing, almost rear ended someone.

Decided to drive it back home (an hour drive, but few stops,) but I had to get past 2 stop lights. So I put on my flashers, drove REALLY fucking slow, and managed to hit all lights as they were green. Got my truck to the local shop here and asked them to diagnose.

Front brake pads at 0%.
Rear brake pads at 1%.
Brake lines need flushing, not sure if it's a leak or just used up but all brake fluid was gone.
New rotors needed front and back.
Battery testing at 60%.

$1500 in parts and labor quoted.

It's been a shitty fucking ass morning.
No warning of this? Brake pads have a squeal shim on then to audibly notify you before they get critical.

If you lose brakes in either auto or manual transmission downshift and use the compression to slow the vehicle.

Emergency brake failed too?

Most brakes are hubless rotors now meaning that once the wheel is off, and the 2 bolts holding the caliper removed the rotor can be just pulled off.

It can be more complicated with drum or electronic parking brakes.

You might also have a siezed caliper pin if pads wore quickly.