Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Afternoon Mossy I haven’t bought valentines cards since grade school :doh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So it's 7 am and I'm in the middle of the city traffic in Lincoln, NE, population of about 300,000.

I pulled up to a stop light, and my battery light comes on, my engine dies, and I have NO BRAKES. I put the vehicle into park and I'm still moving forward, finally brakes. I said "wow, that was super fucked up, never had that happen before." Go to the next light, same thing, almost rear ended someone.

Decided to drive it back home (an hour drive, but few stops,) but I had to get past 2 stop lights. So I put on my flashers, drove REALLY fucking slow, and managed to hit all lights as they were green. Got my truck to the local shop here and asked them to diagnose.

Front brake pads at 0%.
Rear brake pads at 1%.
Brake lines need flushing, not sure if it's a leak or just used up but all brake fluid was gone.
New rotors needed front and back.
Battery testing at 60%.

$1500 in parts and labor quoted.

It's been a shitty fucking ass morning.
And I just replaced the rear brake pads like maybe 2 years ago? Hired this fat fuckin' asshole that I thought he knew what he was doing, now I'm questioning if he didn't pocket my parts and just charged me labor.
battery light comes on, my engine dies, and I have NO BRAKES
Sounds like kinda unrelated problems? Engine isn't gonna just die while running because of a battery, it wouldn't start on the first place. This kinda thing happened to my wife a couple years ago. Turned out that a mouse had chewed up a bunch of wires :pass:
The T Dubs Shrub Grow Off is now live on AFN!

2 things Mr Hobbes:

What's the TDSGO?

Where the heck is your guy buying parts? Pads are dirt cheap on rock auto. Rotors can be a bit expensive but $1500 for pads/rotors/fluid? Bruh, that's a YouTube and DIY project for that much.