Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Sorry mossy, didn’t get a chance to jump back on yesterday…

Well South East is varying from about a lowest of -2c to about 5/6c max.

Ohhhh I love pork crackling yummmmmy

I'd tie everything down.....coz it looks like you've got more incoming......:snow1:

Have you seen all the snow hitting America.....?...... it's on its way up...........

welp, we've still got a bit of snow to melt off after the refreeze the past few dayz, but it'z currently 26f, so we're startin to pull out of the bitter cold at least :joy:


and yes, here in the country, we drown our dead....then freeze em :biggrin: :rolleyes2: ppp

Braised bunny, rabbit stew, etc. I can think of more than one cure for that problem. :biggrin:

Two of the farmers come out shooting almost every night......:shooty:...but we are still overrun with them....

Snap peas is one of the crops on our deck in the summer. Being able to wander onto the deck and graze on those is a wonderful thing.

Peas and broad beans sown Sept to Jan here...:headbang:....last year I netted the peas and left the broad beans out as bunny sacrifices.
They ignored them...and ate all the peas......:doh:

I had some snow peas like that. Less than a third made it to the house.

I had 3lb of dried peas in the garden and not a bloody One of them made it into the house..........:crying:

200w (19).gif
peas are Mine......

When we had the old veg shop my breakfast most mornings in season was 2lb of peas...still cold from the fields....

Hubby doubled up one took me until the afternoon to finish them all..........:gassy:...and I didn't even fart.....

Pea Queen......:king:
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