Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

You may not have every function available on mobile. Might need to access desktop.
Hopefully one of these are in my future! :eyebrows::woohoo1::rofl:

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The ones we were raising looked like that for a little while, but by 3 months old they weighed 100 pounds. They weren't allowed to get bigger than that because the ratio of pounds of feed per pound of meat became less favorable <small>so off to the slaughterhouse</small>. Only the boars and sows got old (and huge).
Is anyone using the AC Infinity Controller AI+? I'm trying to decide between that, and the Controller 69 Pro+. I don't have a problem spending the extra money if it's a better controller. Every video I've seen seems like they're advertising for AC Infinity lol. I read a few people say the AI isn't really AI, but no idea who they are. I would love to hear someone's thoughts from AFN that has used it.

Stay lifted
I've been using the 69pro+ for a few weeks now and have it hooked up to the Thermoforge T3 i bought myself for christmas. It does what it's supposed to. I saw a deal on Amazon that had the controlled and a 4" inline fan for the same price as when I bought just the controller. Kicking myself because now im looking at the fan to be able to hook up to the controller. I have to say, the plants are happier with a more controlled environment. I don't have any experience with the AI version.
The ones we were raising looked like that for a little while, but by 3 months old they weighed 100 pounds. They weren't allowed to get bigger than that because the ratio of pounds of feed per pound of meat became less favorable <small>so off to the slaughterhouse</small>. Only the boars and sows got old (and huge).
These are already 3mo old….and litter box trained! ;)

Gotta figure out Zellle in my banking app this evening, that and money order only way to pay the court fees and I want it done,
I have a credit union and access zelle thru the mobile site.