Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Yikes. It got cold in there last night. I think I'm just going to accept the fact that I'll probably wind up with small plants this round. Why fight it?

How small....stumpies......?....:pass:....if your conditions give you small plants over the cold season....plant more......:watering:
'zactly....same way as you gold prospect....... :headbang: ...I was going to say winnowing...but I didn't know if it translated into 'merican.....

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Life is too short to pollenate a full plant huh.....?..........:yeah:....I did a full pollenation on a photo period......:doh:...I stopped counting after 3,000...and that was just the top cola..... :crying:...

I could have reseeded a small country.....:biggrin:...and even with all you can give away.... you'll still Waste most of them.....:pass:

Selective pollenation is a good thing......:woody:
Well, I've never really been much of a half-assed kind of guy.:biggrin: Restraint is seldom in my vocabulary.:eyebrows::crying:

I just liked the girl enough, since it's not had a seed run in quite a while and not available, I thought it need to be preserved.

I have two care packages and two seed packages to send out today, hopefully. One of the seed packages is a little extra prize for last year's outdoor grow winners and the other is for breeding.

It was a nice little experiment and was very fun. I wanted to see if I could do it, mainly to get the timing down correct. I did learn quite a few things also.
Think of them like horny teenagers on a sleepover.... :pass: ....the Trick is to Not get them All pregnant......:crying:.....
Well, I managed to not get any of them pregnant when I was seventeen and I crashed a cheerleader sleepover.:eyebrows::eyebrows: :biggrin: :crying: :crying: :crying:................................ I narrowly avoided a shitstorm when I left just before the girl's parents came home unexpectedly early! The sleepover was hosted by a pastor's daughter. :biggrin::crying:

Isn't it funny that pastor kids are either angels or the devil's spawn, more than likely the latter!:eyebrows::crying::crying::crying: