Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Ok since we are on the subject of super cropping and HST, and @Fermented_Fruitz told me I was wrong - I had read several places that autos + HST was a no no, but clearly thats for folks growing shitty autos that don't know what they are doing :cool:

Would this Gorilla benefit from it?

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No flowers formed yet, just a few pistils showing here and there. I've got about a foot before it hits the light.

Should I defoliate some of the fan leaves, and then bend over some of the taller shoots?

Teach me, LS!
I would def thin out the interior, remove any fan over another bud site. After that start pulling the tallest down and out… not too far though, don’t want a break. Repeat the next day and another til your happy that it’ll have enough room. Let the shorter branches grow without LST. You may need to take action on those at a later date. LST is to break apical dominance and force all other branches to compete for the top position. Keeping a level canopy will continue the competition and all branches will benefit.
Yes @Frankthetank it is...Passive requested by the members...... :headbang: ...we Try Not to Moderate or Delete in #LiveStoners now.

Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't.....But...for the Double attack on your Profile...he has been Banned.

If everyone Ignored him he wouldn't be here...but it is hard to moderate when some members want to help him.

I was about to Reply Ban him...then members started Replying......:pass:
I mean, we’re trying to be a helpful bunch that freely shares knowledge when asked…:pass:
None of us regulars argue like that, we are a very friendly community, but boy do we band together to weed out the shit heads huh?
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I don’t like being called a bitch for spending about an hour yesterday helping this fuckstick while the staff lets it happen.

I Know @Frankthetank yourself Staff...coz we get it all the time.......... :pighug: .....
Yeah, next on my list of autos to try is speedrun and Jean-Os

I'll pick up some of the root beer float from Jean-os next time I go up to Michigan for vape carts. I've got about a dozen left and I go through one maybe every 2-3 weeks. Although if I saw a good deal on some resin/rosin/whatever the fuck else I can dab, I might go up earlier.

Speed-run will just be whenever I have a bit of spare money in my pocket. But I've put in 2 orders with NASC in the last 2 months, so its hard to justify right now.

Plus I need to grow out a few of my own crosses so I can rant and rave about them on here and send some of ya'll some of my seeds.

Speaking of Jean-Os, I'm checking every couple hours for my Cream Cheese auto to sprout lol. Saw he's got a 35% sale going now too.

I would def thin out the interior, remove any fan over another bud site. After that start pulling the tallest down and out… not too far though, don’t want a break. Repeat the next day and another til your happy that it’ll have enough room. Let the shorter branches grow without LST. You may need to take action on those at a later date. LST is to break apical dominance and force all other branches to compete for the top position. Keeping a level canopy will continue the competition and all branches will benefit.

Its been topped and LST-ified as much as possible. One down side of the DWC is I don't have anywhere to tie to for LST besides the net pot. If I use the bucket lid, it will eventually force the netcup through the top of the lid. I can't attach to the bucket because then I wouldn't be able to remove the lid to access the roots or change the water.

I've been drawing up some sort of wood collar device with a bunch of eye bolts on it to tie off to that I could put in between the net cup and the lid of the bucket.
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