Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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How do u know its bad advice? U already grown the plant out and tried it?
I just read its best to supercrop during the stretch
Its like common sense…..why on gods name would u need to supercrop AFTER stretch? U do it in the earlier stages when u are losing head room cuz getting too tall! Also what kinda person manhandles and breaks branches off tying them down?
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Not a robot as requested :shrug::crying:
The best time to supercrop is during stretch
Since we're fired up, I always wanted to bitch slap the asshole that wrote the lyrics to that song! Give the horse a F'n name already! WTF else do you have to do wandering in the desert!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Same goes for Don Henley for writing that desperado song!!!!!!!!!
Oh shit! We’re sharing our list of people we want to bitch slap?!?!?! BRB gotta get my list…..

The Guy with the questions… What do you want to know? i can try give you an answer, but honestly you should ask the others, they have more experience when it comes to growing weed. But i know a bit. @I love weed , i think it was you.
I was wondering if I should lst, or supercrop. I don’t know if Supercroppping would cause too much stress, but I know that while LST may be “low stress” when it goes well, it is actually “high-risk”, because it is easy to snap branches when bending them down
I made it back. Here are the girls from yesterday…

And I dropped 2 each of @Jean-O Cream cheese autos and @Sawney_bean Nightmare autos. Waiting on autoseeds mango cookies testers and Jean-o wild thing photos
I was wondering if I should lst, or supercrop. I don’t know if Supercroppping would cause too much stress, but I know that while LST may be “low stress” when it goes well, it is actually “high-risk”, because it is easy to snap branches when bending them down

Have you tried to tuck some leafs? I know one guy who supercropped the hell out of an Autoflower-plant!
That plant got A LOT of tops, it was new branches everywhere that was filled with buds. It was insane to see. After that I’m speechless when it comes to different techniques. But if I were you… btw, how does your plant look like? Any photos?
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