Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Chilly rainy day had wife and me both not doing much moving at more than a snail's pace today. Did get the last thunderfvck moved and the tent vacuumed but too damn miserable to mix soil outside so I put it off again.Did pick 3 more sgrooms off one of the blocks. Both not showing any contamination so I'll keep messing with em for awhile longer.
Hope everyone had a great Caturday.
noob question for the dabber gang
So, I have a press, which I use to make rosin, which I use to make tincture or edibles. But I don't have an erig or dab pen. I have been tempted, but one of the things holding me back is that I have no interest in dabbing if I will always be coughing my lungs out as a result. I very rarely cough as a result of vaping flower. Not coughing is important to me because hacking my lungs out at 0200 next to the dearest might prove to be an issue...

Anyway, just for shits and giggles I did a little "test" today with scissor hash from my Strawberry Nuggets. I put the goodies in a little piece of paper towel, and put in in my cheapo flower vape, which I discovered could be heated to 240C, which I did. I was shocked at how well it worked, maybe the most impressive cloud I have made, and no harshness at all. And potent.

So, howcum when I watch stoners on youtube sucking on dabs, the guys are all trying to get rid of a lung or two? Do the dabbers here cough all the time, none of the time, or what? :shrug: :pighug:
So, I have a press, which I use to make rosin, which I use to make tincture or edibles. But I don't have an erig or dab pen. I have been tempted, but one of the things holding me back is that I have no interest in dabbing if I will always be coughing my lungs out as a result. I very rarely cough as a result of vaping flower. Not coughing is important to me because hacking my lungs out at 0200 next to the dearest might prove to be an issue...

Anyway, just for shits and giggles I did a little "test" today with scissor hash from my Strawberry Nuggets. I put the goodies in a little piece of paper towel, and put in in my cheapo flower vape, which I discovered could be heated to 240C, which I did. I was shocked at how well it worked, maybe the most impressive cloud I have made, and no harshness at all. And potent.

So, howcum when I watch stoners on youtube sucking on dabs, the guys are all trying to get rid of a lung or two? Do the dabbers here cough all the time, none of the time, or what? :shrug: :pighug:
Nope…. I rarely cough. I also don’t crank my temperature way up in hopes of making a giant cloud. Personally, I like to dab rosin at 445f. It’s a low enough temperature to get good terps, and a smooth draw…
Honestly, Not really. I watch do all sorts of extractions and stuff like this with similar chemicals.

I understand your concern, and why you feel the way you do.

But I think you would be surprised how much stuff is extracted or handled like this in the food you eat day to day.
Since I don't grow anything anymore to eat, I can't control that. I had extremely limited amount of processed food in our diet back then. I burned the candle at both ends and in the middle, back then. I grew enough to feed family and quite a few neighbors And to let my uncle have a garden stand by the highway. I ate everything I grew! Despite my injuries that was still pretty damn strong. I look back and wonder how strong I would have been at that point had I not been hurt while in the military.

And that goes with the way I grow, harvest, process and utilize my cannabis. I'm not compromising my standards with the quality of product that I produce. That's the biggest reason that I'm organic!

You can chemically process your cannabis.
Or you can process them through a physical process

COLD................DRYING......................PRESSING With limited temperature and pressure to form hashish......................PRESSING With much higher temperatures and pressures to form Rosin.
The traditional way of making hashish, Beating and Sifting And then manual manipulation.

All physical processes.

That's not to say I'm not going to use ethanol extraction. Once I get my machine I will probably do it fairly often but still mainly my medicinal strains. It's kind of hard to be adverse to using ethanol when you're going to be making tinctures.

I strive to make the cleanest product I'm able to do. That's in every aspect of my growing cannabis. I make medicine for myself and other people . I do take it quite seriously. It might take me a couple of processes, but I can come pretty close to the same efficiency as some chemical extraction processes. I just gotta go through some different processes and steps!
There is enough process crap in our environment without me adding to something that I'm going to inhale or ingest. I can't see doing it that way. But that's just me. I have always been that way.

Maybe that's why more than one of my friends have told me that they can 'Taste the love'.

Sorry for the long Diatribe, there! I think those Canna Peas iz kicking in hard! :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:
been doing a bit of trimming. :)
What is left of my Mephisto Strawberry Nuggets:

Not bad for a medium sized plant. I lost a handful of bud to Botrytis, sadly, but the weigh in will still be nice.

And, just for fun, a dog walk winter pic:

Happy growing, and dog walking, peeps. :pighug:
So, I have a press, which I use to make rosin, which I use to make tincture or edibles. But I don't have an erig or dab pen. I have been tempted, but one of the things holding me back is that I have no interest in dabbing if I will always be coughing my lungs out as a result. I very rarely cough as a result of vaping flower. Not coughing is important to me because hacking my lungs out at 0200 next to the dearest might prove to be an issue...

Anyway, just for shits and giggles I did a little "test" today with scissor hash from my Strawberry Nuggets. I put the goodies in a little piece of paper towel, and put in in my cheapo flower vape, which I discovered could be heated to 240C, which I did. I was shocked at how well it worked, maybe the most impressive cloud I have made, and no harshness at all. And potent.

So, howcum when I watch stoners on youtube sucking on dabs, the guys are all trying to get rid of a lung or two? Do the dabbers here cough all the time, none of the time, or what? :shrug: :pighug:
The coughing is what constantly keeps me from dabbing. I've tried it all and I think my lungs just prefer smoke at this point :pass: I'll keep trying though
The coughing is what constantly keeps me from dabbing. I've tried it all and I think my lungs just prefer smoke at this point :pass: I'll keep trying though
I have noticed that a nice slow inhale is the ticket with dabs…. Instead of trying to rip a bong like the olden days :haha:
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