Thanks for the reps
@Lil Dab and
@Frankthetank, glad you enjoyed the shots.
@Olderfart I could use something magical or mechanical for these old joints. Lol
That last shot is gorgeous.
I'd be a cripple by now if it were not for physio adjustments. OTOH, my first physio experience was not helpful, I was misdiagnosed and the result now is a permanently unstable SI joint. Still, with the new guy, I may be close to finding out how to manage the bugger in the long run without running to the physio to get sorted.
Thanks for the nice comment on the photo, I like it too.
I have been dealing with cameras for a lot of years, including professional large format gear, and a colour darkroom for large format pics. Even with that background, I am stunned at what the new phone cameras can do. The pic of our mutt was hand held available light (and bloody little of it) in front of the fireplace, at night. I just shake my head. Nothing in my camera experience could come even close, even with a tripod. If I used film capable of that performance at such low light, the picture would be grainy and poor colour, even if the dog stayed still long enough. Ditto for the pic you like, even with HDR processing, I seriously doubt that the photo would have worked as well as the phone camera did with any of the film or digital cameras I have used. I suspect that the image processing is interesting, possibly even including some sort of AI rendering to deal with difficult stuff. Whatever, it works.