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Caught both sides of a rainbow earlier! :thumbsup:
That guy kind of looks like that cook on this destroyer. I was in the chowline for breakfast one morning and he mentioned that we were having "smokers" in the afternoon............ No stoners! It's not a smoke session.

Smokers is a friendly or not so friendly boxing match. We held it on the missile deck or the fan tail where we could surround the boxers with our bodies to act as the ring.
We knew each other and he asked if I wanted to box today. We're never fought each other. I never seen him box and just never thought him of being a boxer.

He was extremely slow talking Georgia boy. If you didn't know him you would think he was a little touched. He also had "gaucho eyes". It was kind of hard to tell who he was looking at when he was talking to you.

So when it came our time, we come together and touch gloves and backed off. He took his stance and started coming at me. Now this guy was left-handed and he fought goofy foot.

So I'm facing this slow talking Georgia boy, left handed and goofy foot and I can't tell where the hell he's looking!
So I tried to adapt to what I'm facing. I'm going to let him swing a little bit as I'm dancing around. I want to see what the hell is going to do.

So he's swinging a bit and I'm dancing and bobbing and blocking shots. It's a good thing I'm pretty fast, some of those I didn't see coming quite so quickly.

Then out of nowhere come a overhand left, with some power. He caught the corner of my forehead above my eye. It could have been much worse.
He caught me by surprise a few other times. I am pretty long arms in a good reach, but this boy had monkey arms too . I'm trying to figure out this guy and I'm not doing too well.

I know I got the muscle mass and the strength over him, so I go inside. That boy had a soft middle and I wailed on him. He wasn't scared either though! He tried doing the same thing but I had a strong core then and it wouldn't do anything at all.

So the second round I came out left-handed. I guess when I broke my right arm when I was a kid, I got my left to work almost as well as my right. It didn't intended purpose, it screwed him up trying to figure out what I was doing.

I was tagging him pretty good and then I saw an opening. I caught him with a hard driving left handed uppercut then landed perfectly on his jaw. He was out cold.

He came to pretty quick. "I must be in a disco! All I'm hearing is Ring My Bell!"
He was all right and he gave everybody a good chuckle.
It was two or three weeks later and I was sitting on the fan tail thinking about things and he come along. "Hey man! Smokers is tomorrow. Do you want to fight again?"

"Hell no you damn crazy, boiled peanut eating, goofy footed mafuggah! I had hard enough time beating your ass the first time! Besides if I beat you again, your mama might not make me that damn peach cobbler she promised me!"
He went babbling on about his peach cobbler was better than his mama's and crap like that.

Strange how some people can just pop in your head like that. You wonder if they're still alive and how they're doing. I'm pretty sure a large percent of the people I knew were gone.

Well I guess I better take me a nice big heavy dose of my CBD tonight .....probably need an extra dose. It seems I can't have fun memories of some of the people I knew, without thinking of the guys that I lost. Sometimes it's good and the tears are of happiness. ....Thinking about the fishing trips and smoking the mahi-mahi at my place and everybody laughing and having a great time.

I can kind of tell this ain't going to be one of those times. Luckily I have some nice freshly baked homemade raisin oatmeal cookies and a big old jar CBD oil. I can tell it's going to be a Four dropper night.
Lmao i mentioned buying a bong earlier amd moms was like “is thst what u want for your birthday?” I was like ya but its over $200 and she said “hell naw!” Think parents are gonna get me that pair of nikes i been eyeballing instead! :eyebrows::rofl:
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