I guess RUCU CUCU we'll get
another round of trying on aluminum tray !
I guess it's a
good pain in the ass to have, but it is kind of getting a little ridiculous and trying to dry my buds!
I just wonder if it could also be related to the amount of silica available while growing?
In the last three grows I have had a fairly reasonable amount of volcanic hummus added to the mixture for
aeration, mainly. I've started using some volcanic tuft in my mixture. It's relatively Granular in texture, but a large percentage of it is fine enough for the worms to ingest and it is good for their health. I even incorporated some of it with the worm food that I concocted.
RUCU CUCU limbs are
definitely stout and thick. Even with the higher than normal humidity in the bud, it does seem to me that they have a noticeable additional heft to them. I can tell that I'm making progress, just with the
feel of the buds .
Maybe I need to shoot an email off to Jeremy of BAS and see what he thinks about it.
I just like to know........................
WHY....................... With some sort of certainty.