Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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This bad boy was getting his bargain shop on at Costco just now! Came swooping over my head when i was walking thru frozen foods after snapping these pics but apparently that was him on his way around and out cuz they opened some rear bay doors for him to fly out! :thumbsup:

What is looks like a Kestrel......?......... :headbang:
Thanks @Mossy . :bighug: Still got a lot to do before sleep 🥱 Gotta rub her back clean everytime i walk in cuz aunts a mess, smoking some very tasty purp real quick for I gotta shower n start dinner :pass:

I Hope she gets some sleep tonight........ :bighug: too.....:snooze:
I Hope she gets some sleep tonight........ :bighug: too.....:snooze:
She mostly sleeps during the day... Seems like when her morning dose of the steroid wears off. Tried getting her to adjust but im sure you know how that went.. in one out the other. Tryna not get mad cuz this time its not all just a guilt trip. Shes really struggling... N cuz she's scared about it she's letting the doctors take as long as possible to diagnose and treat her
Getting there on the reversal. I'm hoping to cross it but I feel like I'm running out of time while waiting for these flowers to open.
I got it at 3. Had to search my email for it. Submitted claims for both my fans :thumbsup:
:whew: I was triple checking sites and links. I’m gonna do mine here shortly. Just need to get the rohs numbers off the fans
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