Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I got a question I just realized I’m outta seed start mix and want to start some seeds today in earthbox. Can I just take my soil COM stoneington blend and mix with some coco to make it not so hot for the seeds to start in?
In my head, this checks out as plausible.. but i run soil so there is that ; admittedly i cant really say.
I got a question I just realized I’m outta seed start mix and want to start some seeds today in earthbox. Can I just take my soil COM stoneington blend and mix with some coco to make it not so hot for the seeds to start in?
That would probably work…. Or I think you can start in 100% coir too….
The ones I got ended up not being nearly big enough for my branches. My plants tend to come out shorter and with thick branches and the clips were useless. I threw them away.
Pretty girl. How do you like the lst clips?
I've seen them around, they look like they might be useful but want to see how others like them.
Those do look a little flimsy compared to the ones that I use. Sometimes you really need to work that thick branch pretty hard before you can think about putting that on. the problem that I have had in the last few grows , which is a good problem, my branches are getting more sturdy sooner and I have to work the LST harder. I have definitely noticed an increase in the stem sturdiness and overall plant sturdiness. The main thing that I have been doing to enhance this property is with the addition of the fairly fine volcanic tuft that I got from BAS. I think the other contributing factor could be the fermented insect frass and additional dry frass that I add to my base mix and water in. Maybe they are working in concert together along with all the other stuff to give the results that I'm seeing. thank you OK

Is getting to the point at times I've thought about disassembling a pair of pliers and using plastic coat to coat the jaws of the pliers so I can apply pressure without tearing her up.

I used the adjustable ones and they work quite well. As we know, a lot of times the girls will self-correct our LST.
Some girls I can use just those adjustable clips and others I have to use the clips and soft wire with velcro tape to take pulls on the branches that try to undo what the clips did.

And some girls would just throw them off! :funny: :funny:
I didn't see anything. But it sounded like a freight train took off running through the trees. Didn't sound like anything I've ever heard in the area. We get small black bear, but they don't run on two feet. And there was a horrible smell, like just the worst musk / shit you've ever smelled.

I got up in my tree stand and sat there and I felt like I was having holes drilled in me from someone staring at me, but I couldn't figure out from where. It finally got in my head enough that I just had to leave.

Never really felt comfortable in my tree stand after that. I tried a ground blind a few times, but one time I was in there and had a doe sneak right up behind me, and I didn't have the rear flaps open on the blind. I made some small little noise, and she heard me and she started blowing and snorting. I about came up out of my skin it scared me so much.
A guy that I worked with hunted by the Sleeping dunes park and saw something ? Stunk really bad walked upright. It walked up a huge cliff face and went into the lake. He had shot many trophy bucks there preveously but quit deer hunting at that time?
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