Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I was laying in bed this morning with the darn need of taking a poo, but too damn lazy to get out of bed!

So I watched this video to stave off the poo!

I kid! I kid! I kid!:funny::funny::funny::funny::funny:

I don't know about non racers, but as a racer and watching this video, there was sure a hell of a lot of BUTT puckering Going on!

I'm just glad that my two big boo boos never made it public or at least I've never found them.
The worst was when I broke an axle on the 1-2 shift and as the second stage of nitrous hit. It drove me into the far side wall had about a 45 degree angle and probably about 75 miles an hour and then bounced over to the other side where I started from and messed up the right side of the car! Those hits totaled the car. I totally stripped it of all good parts and sold it to a guy that was gonna cut it up for a project car. That was an extremely fun little car!

The next big boo boo was is a nitrous backfire and explosion. It was only a 150 wet shot wet . I was testing out brand new nitrous and fuel solenoids for a major nitrous kit company. The solenoids hadn't been released to the public yet, and I was among the first razors to install them and test. They were testing making the body of the valve body out of aluminum instead of stainless steel. Evidently they didn't take account for different thermal expansion rates between these aluminum and the stainless steel and did not change the clearances to account for that. Other racers had problems with the carbon fiber covers and electrical conductivity.

Well, on the 2-3 shift, my Nitrous solenoid did not close. This is what caused the backfire and explosion. This wasn't a race car, it was my streetcar, so I wasn't going at a crazy speed. The safety latch on the front of the hood worked quite well and kept the front of the hood down. That can't be said for the rear hinges! They actually broke the fiberglass hood where they attached. Well there's a big huge ball of flame and the car is still on fire ! That was a big ball of flame too! It went well out of my sight sitting in the driver's seat! Witnesses said they can see a flame going about 20 feet up in the air! I immediately killed power but did not hit the brakes, hoping that the wind would blow out the fire. The only way to cut the power was to turn the ignition key off. The problem with that is that it locks the steering wheel! But the turnaround was coming up quite quickly. I was hoping that the explosion and the cutting of power would let the solenoid fully close and that the explosion did not rupture a fuel line or miss up the fuel rail. The fire was almost out when I had to turn ignition key and unlock the steering wheel. I was preparing myself for another explosion or flame up. Luckily neither occurred!
While this is all going on with me am I flaming car with my flaming filter blown off into the grass and catching it on fire, the Idiot in the tower runs another set of cars down the strip! Before I am stopped, the cars are running! Once stopped, I jump out of the car to check to see if there is still any flames. My opponent came over to check on me to make sure everything was OK. We both run over to where my flaming filter landed and start to put out the fire with our fire extinguishers! They finally see what the hell is going on and stop the cars and sends this one kid down to check on us. One damn kid!
I was steaming mad! Once my friend towed me back to the pits, by some POS econo box, my unhappy ass Up to the tower to have a little conversation. Three of my friends followed me Knowing how mad I was and not knowing what I would do. One of my buddies said, "That vein in your head was sticking out! I knew I had to go along with you!" He knew me all too well:funny::funny::funny::funny:

Luckily, this wasn't a pecker measuring contest! I knew mine was gonna be bigger!:funny::funny::funny:

I guess the guy he realized what he had done and when he saw me And the look on my face that he might need to swallow his pride. He actually did graciously admit that he screwed up. The same friend said that he was surprised that I let it go so easy!:funny:

But he did man up and admit his mistakes! Yeah,, as jacked up as I was, I was able to call my stupid ass down.

Sadly, that is another track that has gone to the wayside and no longer exists.

Anyway! There's Uncle WildBill's Campfire Story Time Sunday:funny::funny:

Maybe next week at Uncle WildBill's Campfire Story Time Sunday, Maybe he will tell you a Story of the escapades in the pits after the lights go out at a race! Only the G through R ratings! :grrr2:The X rated ones only for close friends and family!:funny::funny::funny::funny:

And yes @Mossy
I'm on the Sati!:funny::funny::funny::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
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I'm just glad that my two big boo boos never made it public or at least I've never found them.
The worst was when I broke an axle on the 1-2 shift and as the second stage of nitrous hit. It drove me into the far side wall had about a 45 degree angle and probably about 75 miles an hour and then bounced over to the other side where I started from and messed up the right side of the car!

The next big boo boo was is a nitrous backfire and explosion. It was only a 150 wet shot wet . I was testing out brand new nitrous and fuel solenoids for a major nitrous kit company. The solenoids hadn't been released to the public yet, and I was among the first razors to install them and test. They were testing making the body of the valve body out of aluminum instead of stainless steel. Evidently they didn't take account for different thermal expansion rates between these aluminum and the stainless steel and did not change the clearances to account for that. Other racers had problems with the carbon fiber covers and electrical conductivity.

Thats cause you were granny shiftin' and not double clutchin' like you should.

I went on vacation to Jamaica about 14 years ago.

We get in a taxi to go to some shopping area, and I just flat out can not understand the guys accent.

I asked him to repeat himself like 3 times and every time it got worse.

Finally the 4th, he just flat out talks in a plain ass english accent, no Rasta at all.

Like god dang dude, you could have done that the whole time, lol.
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