If I take it at hubbys pace..........it won't ever happen.......
We bought shares in the house in Spain on the millenium... 2000......a few years before we got here full time...but hubby still has all of the electric plugs that he cut off the appliances to replace with Spanish plugs.......
Almost 20 years on............I mean Why..............?.................

....if we moved back to the UK...we wouldn't be taking 20 year old UK plugs back......
I'd ditch the bloody lot......it would be cheaper to buy all new than transport it back to the UK.........
He also owns a drawer full of old mobile phones...that people give him...when they are broken or outdated.....
I told him to throw the bloody things out.....he says....oh...you can take them back to the UK when you go....{yar right...I'm taking them through customs..Not.....

...}.....and my son can cash them in on a second hand buyer sites.
I checked with my son....he said Mother....the stuff he's got...it would end up costing me to pay for them to take them away....

...they are still in the Drawer....and he has added another one to the collection.....

...if it's Free...he'll have it.
I'm surprised we havent got a scrap yard down here......but...there is time yet......
The flipping dunebuggy he was going to Fix hasn't seen the light of day in the last 4 year......