Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Good Morfnoevight All. EO.

My parents saw us at mealtimes, period. And not all of them. And, they didn't worry about us. Unless we didn't show up for dinner, but growing lads were bloody unlikely to do that. Many parents around here now won't even let their kids walk a half block from the schoolbus to home - I see moms sitting in idling vehicles, usually SUVs, waiting where the school bus stops. On the rare occasions that I fail to avoid being on the road when the school buses are. :pighug:
Most days aren't that bad. I enjoy what I do, its challenging and I'm paid well. I get to spend my 40 hours a week solving puzzles, and I enjoy it. Have to figure out how to accomplish what the company wants, at the lowest cost, best solution, etc. Make it work with what we have. That sort of thing. I like my coworkers, I'm friends outside of work with several, we bs back and forth a lot during the day, send each other stupid memes and facebook shorts and stuff like that. Its fun being in a call with some other guys you can text and make fun of what ever BS is going on in the call.

I could think of much worse things to do for a living.

I work from home, my commute is about 90 feet from my bed. So I can live in a really low cost of living area. Its awesome that I get to get up every morning and see my kids before they leave for school, I can be here when they get home. Tuesday I have to get one off the bus because the other has a dentist appt and its no big deal, I'm here anyways, just gotta block a half hour out of my work calendar so I can walk out there and get here without anyone trying to call me.
I enjoyed virtually all the gang I worked with, the main problem were members of the public. Some of them treated government employees as automatically stupid and corrupt and maybe evil. A few of them were such unrelenting repeated pains in my ass that avoiding them was part of the reason that I retired early. I missed many of the people I worked with, but one of the huge benefits of leaving work was that I no longer had to interact reasonably with unreasonable individuals (biting my tongue there). Now if someone calls me a liar or an asshole, I can respond according to my criteria, not according my agency's expectations, and especially not according the political priorities of some ass covering government minister. For many years after I left, recounting this stuff would re-ignite the anger and frustration. But it has now been enough years that it no longer generates much response at all, for which I am grateful.

Anyway mate, it sounds as though you have work that you enjoy, with coworkers you respect and whose company you enjoy. Nuture and feed that circumstance when you can, it is worth care and effort. :pighug:
Morning Pinky, The new dishwasher will not get here until Wednesday. That makes me chief cook and bottle washer :rofl: There is a sink and counter full just waiting on me. :doh:
Hmmm. That reminds me, I have a laundry tub of solo supports and stuff to clean up. Perhaps it is time...:pighug:
Morning Pinky, The new dishwasher will not get here until Wednesday. That makes me chief cook and bottle washer :rofl: There is a sink and counter full just waiting on me. :doh:

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