Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Thanks it's clear now but I'm sure FF will have to explain it also :pop::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks for all the love today folks.......we tried a lot of things and progress was made. We even managed to get her to the kitchen for a good supper. We tried so many things that we aren't sure what helped but something sure did. Hopefully it will keep getting better. You guys are the best:thumbsup::smokeout:
Dude, if I lived way out in the country where I could grow and not have people fuck with me, I would grow some massive outdoor monsters. But I live in town. There is no possible way I could grow outside without it standing out. I have no privacy. And the very second it started to bud, it'd get cut down by some high school kids.

Plus cops around here SUCK. Crooked as hell.

So my neighbor sold meth for years. And it was obvious as hell. I think its part of why I got the place so cheap. Eventually he got busted, but this went on for years. Just a line of people in and out of his house looking sketchy as hell. I stopped trying to be nice, and I'd stand in my drive way with my phone taking pictures of people because it was funny as hell watching them scatter like cockroaches.

Anyways. Chief of police lives half a block down. He could literally see the garage door where these meth addicts were coming and going from his front porch.

So either he was the dumbest ass piece of shit cop ever OR he was crooked. And I know he was crooked, because I've had some folks who I know to be extremely trustworthy tell me they would see him leaving the meth garage with an envelope stuffed full of something, every month or two.
Didn't they just legalize where you're at? Give it a whole parking spot in the garage :headbang:
8 days, still not dry. I think it will be closer to 10 days before I can sweat them.

A few little buds fell to the floor. I pulled the sugar leaves off and smoked them just because. Do I smoke these buds or add them to the cure.....

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