Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I don't think this is a fair comparison unless its to humans living in the wild as well.

One of the reasons we get cancer is thats we've overcome other diseases to a large extent, and live longer.

Thousands of years ago we expired in our 40's

Afternoon @Drownomatic :pass: ......yup.....Survival of the fittest.....:paleo:...

But I still Believe we have an Instinct to self medicate....if I hadn't....I wouldn't be here......:pass:...
They drug tested most of us, at least at the time. Wasn’t much hiding it…

Not for me......:biggrin:...but still a stigma in the UK....

One department in the pain management unit had permission to use cannabis/sativex treatments...MS and MND and it was treated like trying to get into FortKnox's... like Deviant medicine......:biggrin:....
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