Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I met one of those dudes in a "pub" in Fiji quite a few years back. Good thing he was laid back . That could have been the Kava, the only thing served at the "pub", which was outdoor, with a perimeter bench around a central table with the large container of Kava, and with a single bare bulb hanging over the Kava table, maybe 25 watts or so). The Kava was served in half coconut shells. We found the place by convincing the cab driver to take us to where the locals drank Kava. Well, he took us there, and meeting the Samoan rugby player was one of the high points. He could have picked my ass up with one hand and thrown me to the bench on the other side, likely over top of the Kava table. These dudes literally duct tape their ears to the side of their head so they don't get ripped off during the game. Tough, yeah, you could call them that.

The Kava was quite a ride. My friend and I managed, somehow, can't recall how, to get back to the boat. We shut the one operation down and then joined a couple other dudes who knew of somewhere else to go. I don't recall a lot after that. Wherever we ended up, we managed to score a ride back to where the dinghy was moored. We were quite mobile until we got to the dock, which was quite narrow and unstable. Although we could walk (with care) on flat solid ground, we had to crawl to the dingy, and getting out of the dingy onto the sailboat provided a lot of entertainment for the friend's other half. All that, and zero hangover. I enjoyed it thoroughly. My friend's wife was less than impressed. :rofl:
I like kava. For me its litreraly a chill pill. Once in a while only. Extract pills because Its convenient and doesn't numb my tongue.

Takes me back to my Purple Micro Dot days ..................and those were a long time ago. :biggrin:
I remember those. Buzzy then beyond that is all a lopsided blur.

.....Actualy thats pretty much true for the decade 🤔
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