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Do you ever be smoking bongs and thier delightful and then theirs that one bong that's fucking just horrible as fuck that just tastes like shit. Aw man rotten, defs that's an insect that shat on that bud for sure
Insect fecal matter & weed bong
Sounds like u need to make the swap already :yeah:



Every hit is

Well kittens, think I'm gonna go kick back in my own bed and watch TV.....after eating a crispy cause wife done ate all the damn brownies, got down the two boxes of mix I had on the shelf.....think she might be hinting at something?
Have a great night and catch ya in the morning.
Same here bro! Waiting on my Reese’s brownies to cool so i can eat a slab! Nobody else gonna eat infused brownies so whole pan is mine! And unlike @JP1 I don’t freeze shit so it’s up to me to take down the whole pan before they go stale! :eyebrows::rofl:

Later on broham!
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