Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Anybody ever seen the fit and finish on that thing? 💩💩💩💩💩
It looked like a big metal doorstop coming up the highway behind me! Definitely a case of trying to make it look so futuristic that u just go too far! :yoinks::haha::rofl:

"Back To The Future Part 26"-? :shrug: ppp

honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry on that one :rofl: :rolleyes1: ppp
That model must operate on da “Ugly as Fux Capacitor” :shrug::crying:
For shame!
Arresting a Gold Star father! WOW!
He was charged with Misdemeanor Protest!
That should be a slam dunk for any good constitutional lawyer!
I'm fine with removal and he pretty much done that himself. I do have a big problem with arrest.
There is ton of case law on the subject, just not the location.
I think it's pretty pathetic and very petty.
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