Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Jim Carrey - Somebody to Love (Cable Guy Karaoke Scene) on ...
Singing tenor karaoke GIF on GIFER - by Diananin
What da f is that?? All i see is this in post but i see them in reply! :shrug:

I know that's why the post isn't there anymore :toke::deadhorse::wall::doh::rofl::rofl::rofl:
And ya i noticed but what was weird was when i hit reply and was typing my message i could actually see the 2 gifs in the quoted text box playing like normal but then when i hit post reply they changed to X’s just like your post! Was mainly pointing out the weirdness cuz hadn’t ever seen that before….or if i have i done dabbed away that memory! :shrug::rofl::lildab:
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