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One of my top 10 titty bar songs! Cocaine is absolute number one, especially the long version! The long version is ripe for lap dances!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::crying::crying::crying::crying:
This is what I found, so only these can be tested by tcheck:
View attachment 1666887

Next step would be winterizing your rosin with food grade alcohol (everclear):

I found everclear at Total Wine or Bevmo can't remember which one but I got some to make tincture awhile back.
Hope this helps!

I wonder if its done same way as flower! With buds u weigh out between .1-.25mg (gotta know the exact weight cuz it will ask for it) and u put it into (if I remember correctly) 10ml of 99.9% ISO and shake it up for 30 seconds, then u strain that liquid and put a few drops into the tray!
Prolly high ya, not crazy high quote if theyre a union shop. But if it's an easy run, less than a day, not a lot of boring, thats too high.
The materials might be a few hundred, and a day's labor for 2 guys, and the shop needs to make a few thousand for writing the invoice.
Yeah see that’s the thing I thought this device was a one stop shop type deal. I’m definitely not the guy to be doing all this stuff.
Lmao u need a $500,000 machine to do that bro! Even like the $1,500 purple tester does a similar method! U don’t just stick a raw bud in there and it does the job! :pighug::crying:
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