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Thanks @Mossy .
Just got back from taking aunt for her cancer screening. Got them to rewrite her inhaler prescription so that insurance will cover some of it too.. So many doctors appointments the past 2 weeks this was the last one for the moment at least :whew:
Time for second breakfast?

Think we deserve a smoke break first tho :smokeout:
Cops in Champaign IL Illegally arrest a man one night. The next day they drive by his house and park.
He then does something that I could easily see myself doing. He cranks NWA's FUCK The Police!:headbang::headbang::headbang::haha:

Dey gits mad and show dey igraninsk! <----------- What Popeye would say if he grew up in the hood.

The title of the Video grabbed my attention.


If I've been there in front of the guys house, I would shook my hand and said hell yeah and then pour out some of my 40 for Little E.:biggrin::cools::funny:

It never ceases to amaze me of the ignorance that some cops have. Even more so is that fragile ass ego.
An ego based in actual abilities and skills is one thing, An ego based on perceived abilities and skills is a totally different thing!

Anyway, the keyword was try. They tried to arrest him because he would not ID, even though they knew who he was. But the man was on his own property. They were trying to enforce some local ordinance that applied to a vehicle on public streets. But the man's car was parked in his driveway.
The audacity of these actions by the police in front of the man's home is what's so sad.

Luckily, a supervisor arrived and reluctantly shut everything down.

Just the title of the video had me thinking about the threats that NWA got from I forgot what police, that if they played that song at the concert they would be arrested and the concert shut down.
Mornin monkeys! Happy Caturday!

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Got jiffy pucks in water ph to 6.0 all three of those seeds ( Xeno’s nightmare) popped tails this early morning. I have the pucks in the seedling cab warming and at about noon I will pop them in and cross fingers.
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