Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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One for the ladies.
don't ask me dude, i jus work here :shrug: ppp
Dude the really weird part was there actually was no next page to even go to until i made the following post about it finally jumping to next page! Til that post wasn’t a next page yet but showed one and if u clicked either the next page button or the arrow to jump to last page it took u back to what i assume was first page on 1/2! Damn shit was messing with my stoned ass apparently! :shrug::rofl:
I have thought about ordering some custom bumper stickers that just say “inconsiderate fuck” to slap on the idiots bumpers who are parking in handicap without a tag! :shrug::crying:
Its either that or i have contemplated buying a bottle of mustard to just squirt all over the door handles! :devil:
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