I might still be high from licking up butter.. sooo much butter. Idk it's a mess . There's burning and lightning strikes and bones clacking. I got a partial back brace im supposed to wear most of the day cuz my back is so bad its holding my shoulder wrong but they can't work on part of my back cuz it turns out i have a cracked rib so they can't push on it. Im getting taller again tho!

Im supposed to do water therapy but I don't float so I have to use stuff to float which takes me out of my natural position so I dk how much it helps and to top it all off my aunt decided that she's retiring from being a paramedic last night. Shes been saying that for like 2 years and the one time im out of work is when she decides it's time to hang it up. Im not saying she shouldn't but of all the times.
I had trouble training the cat but i got you