If I could only go back in time and tell my young self to be careful and not beat yourself to death!
The problem is that my young self would say, "Fuck off old man!"

I'm mainly talking about avoidable stuff..........ie adrenalin junkie stuff.
The bad thing is that job selection fell under the same mindset. I was bored as f*ck when I went into the military.
Bored with school.
Bored with the cheerleaders at school

Bored with work, even after making Produce manager
immediately after graduating. Where do I go from #1 produce department in a large grocery store chain.
I wanted to go to MIT, but the only way that was happening was a scholarship of some sort.
One girl was trying REALLY hard to get me tied down. Naaaaaa......I couldn't see myself living in Smalltown, USA, working in a grocery store with a blonde bimbo that would pump out more blonde bimbos!
Being in the military sure wasn't the safest path I could have picked, but looking back, it could have been my best path.
Boredom with adrenalin junkie desires, could have easily led me to the 'darker side' of society.
In the end, it doesn't matter what happened in the past. You could easily be in a far worse situation if you had changed something in your past. You wouldn't be you, either.